Monday, July 12, 2010

Gardner Calls on Colorado Congressional Delegation to Reject Collective Bargaining Amendment

State Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, today is calling on Colorado’s congressional delegation to reject a dangerous amendment to a bill working its way through Congress that would force state and local governments to participate in collective bargaining with labor unions.

“Particularly with all of the uncertainty currently surrounding the economy, now is not the time to be making radical changes to the balance between labor unions and local governments,” Gardner said. “The amendment that has been attached to this bill will cause further harm to our economy and hinder our economic recovery.”

The amendment added to H.R. 4899 by Rep. David Obey, D-Wisconsin, would force state and local governments into collective bargaining agreements with labor associations representing police officers, firefighters, and emergency responders, among others.

Joining Gardner in signing the letter are 38 Representatives and Senators from across Colorado. Gardner says the strong showing of support for his letter by his colleagues illustrates the growing concern there is for this issue.

“Legislators from across the state signed this letter because they are just as concerned as I am that this overreaching mandate could be on its way from Washington to Colorado,” Gardner said. “I hope our congressional delegation agrees and joins with us in opposition to this amendment.”

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rep. Stephens Applauds Challenge to Internet Tax

Complaint Based on Consumer Privacy Concerns, Loss of Colorado Jobs

State Rep. Amy Stephens, R-Monument, today applauded the legal challenge filed against Colorado’s new Internet sales tax policy, recently authorized by House Bill 1193.

“We have said from the beginning that this proposal jeopardizes consumer privacy and gives the government a frightening amount of access to information about personal purchases and services,” said Stephens. “The bottom line is, it’s none of the government’s business what someone wants to buy online.”

Stephens helped lead the fight against HB 1193, a Democrat-sponsored budget balancing proposal that mandates sales tax collection for online purchases.

It was announced yesterday that the Direct Marketing Association filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Colorado challenging the new law as unconstitutional. The DMA cited privacy violations because the new law requires companies to turn over confidential purchasing history information to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The DMA also claims the law unfairly discriminates against interstate commerce.

“I wholeheartedly agree with the concerns raised by the legal challenge,” Stephens said. “These are problems even the sponsors of the bill recognized. Unfortunately, the tax proposal was still rushed through the legislature, causing concern for consumers and leading to the immediate loss of Colorado jobs.”

Immediately following passage of the bill, it was announced that Amazon would no longer be working with its 4,200 affiliates in Colorado.

Prior to filing the lawsuit, the DMA, along with several other entities, registered their concerns about HB1193 with the legislature, with the governor, and with the Department of Revenue during its rulemaking process.