Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Three Bills by Coram Signed into Law

MONTROSE, Colo. – Three of Rep. Don Coram’s bills were signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper today, including measures to prevent teen pregnancy, to protect the state from wildfires and to improve forest management.

“I was elected to get things done and I’m proud that all three of these bills positively affect our community and the state,” said Coram, R-Montrose.

Senate Bill 177 extends the repeal date of the Teen Pregnancy and Dropout Prevention Program in the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing from July 1, 2011 to September 1, 2016. Assuming local funds are available, the program will now be available to new providers.

“Montrose County is one of two counties in the entire state that has these programs available,” said Coram. “By allowing more providers to participate, young mothers will have a greater opportunity to stay in school.”

A second bill, SB 238 extends the annual $3.25 million transfer to the Wildfire Preparedness Fund for two years beginning on July 1, 2012. The funding is used by the Colorado State Forest Service for wildfire preparedness activities including funding for firefighting resources, agreements, and plans.

Finally, SB 267 details a number of initiatives for the use and management of biomass derived from Colorado’s forests. The bill creates a 14 member work group to identify market-based models for forest management.

“These two bills tackle serious issues facing Colorado’s forests and wildlands by providing additional resources and management tools,” said Coram. “By ensuring that our state takes the necessary precautions to fight wildfires and care for our forests, Coloradans and the state’s natural resources are kept safe.”

Senate Bill 238 was signed in Gunnison at the Gunnison Fire Station. Both SB 177 and 267 were signed at the Delta Montrose Electric Association Headquarters in Montrose.

Each of these bills passed with bipartisan support and went into effect upon receiving the governor’s signature.


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